Saturday, September 5, 2009

YAY! Trampoline Time!!

Finally!! She gets to jump by herself w/o worries of her brothers jumping on it and bouncing her all around. It is so cute to watch her jump. She does these baby jumps, and then as soon as she sees her brothers coming she is off that thing as fast as lightning. That is our little princess for now , until princess #2 comes along!!

FiRsT DaY Of KiNdErGaTeN !!!!!

The day finally came! We went from being on tracks and having 2-3 week breaks in between and now we are Traditional school, so the sumer just seemed as though i t was never going to end and Andres was just so excited to go to big boy school and ride the bus with his older brother. He made it though through all the anticipation of it all and summer is now officially over for them. Here he is in front of our house waiting in line for the bus to come. I can't believe my little Andres is such a big boy now.

The bus came to pick up and Andres got so nervous he didn't want to get on. I had to keep telling him that he would be ok and that Ziq would take care of him. He finally got on and the look on his face was priceless. He had a look of excitement and nervousness together. I couldn't get a picture of it, darn it, because of the window on the bus, but it will always be in my memory.

There he goes off on the bus with his brother Ziq. I told myself not to get emotional and I did pretty good until I got up to the school and saw him in his line to enter into his class. He wanted me to go and meet him there to make sure he made it to the right class, and so of course I had to. He is much more sensitive than Ezequiel is.

This was when he got home from his first day of school. He had a certificate that read " I will be college ready Class of 2022." The year really did it for me. I am getting old! He said he had the best day ever and loved to ride the bus. His favorite thing of the day was riding the bus.

1st day of 2nd GRADE!

Wow, can't they just stay little. Here is Ziq ready to head out the door to catch the bus for his first day of 2nd grade :) He was so excited and very excited to wear his new outfit that he picked out. He is getting so big now and is just so smart. I love my little Ziqers! He just adds so much fun and and excitement and energy to life!!

Summer vacation at St. Goerge

This was a fun weekend to St. George with the Jacobson's. Chad met us out there later but we still had a great time in the pool and of course eating! We always seem to have the best breakfasts' when we are there. Whit, and the boys relaxing in the hot tub and Chad playing in the pool with his princess!!!

Here is Chad jumping off the diving board and posing as normal! Ziq waiting for his turn and Tio Ken waiting for his turn. I am not a diving person so I decided to stay and take pictures.

This would be a picture of the Two princesses! Whit and Izzy!

I didn't know that I needed mouth to mouth recesitation, but I got it anyway, and well, hmmmm..I have to say that I enjoyed it a great deal. OK back to PG here. Just a couple who are truly inlove despite of what I look like, big belly or not!

My Mom and sister Liza hanging out in the pool and Whitney laying out to be darker than she already is. And Izabel singing in her floaty singing about her toes and she would raise them out of the water and then just laugh so hard. It was so cute, I wish I could understand all that she says.

Here is Tio Ken helping me out with Izabel at the pool. Tio and Tia helped out a great deal on this trip. It was a really nice relaxing vacation and it felt so good to just sit in the water since it was only 102 degrees.


This was so much fun! My friend invited a whole bunch of us over to do some ice blocking in her back yard with her son Michael. It was a fabulous idea for the sumertime, and the kids loved it. For those that don't know what ice blocking is , you buy a block of ice and put a towel on it and slide down the hill on it. It was alot of fun and as you can see in this picture the boys loved it!! Thanks Kristie!!

Izzy was content playing on this little car and then there was a sand box that she just had so much fun in as well. It was kind of hard to stay on the ice block with the wet towels but some how they did it .

Friday, September 4, 2009

****** waTeRsLiDe.....WeEeEeEeE!!! ******

This was a gift that the kids got this summer and what fun it has been!! Izabel was totally afraid of it but would run up on the hill and and say. WEEEEEEE!!! She still liked it , she was just afraid of going down the slide. It was a great Summer!!!

They had their friend Michael over to enjoy the new water slide in the back yard. It looked like so much fun, I wanted to get on it but thought it probably was not a great idea with such a big belly!

Mrs. PrEgO

This is prego me at 7 mos. with baby #4. We have not decided on another a girl name yet. Infact we haven't really thought about it and to be honest I think the more kids you have the harder it gets to find that right name. I might wait until I see her cute little face and then put a name with it. Chad is always joking and making up names like "Josella, Lampshadea, just off the wall, random names ever! So I think I will name her if that is all he can come up with.

" Swim Lessons " Summer of '09

The boys decided to take swim lessons for the summer and did 2 sessions. They learned alot and had a great time. Ziq was always just so excited to jump off the high diving board! They are now always just wanting to get in the water and swim all the time. Looks as though it paid off. I love it when it is a good outcome.

This is a picture of Ziq and Andres with their class in swim lessons up at Draper pool. Andres was swimming under the water, YAHOOO, way to go Andres. That is a big accomplishment for someone who last year would not get his face or hair wet. Ziq is posing as he always does. They had a great time!

The boys made a fort with the stools and movie chairs downstairs and called it their home for a good week and a half. They never go downstairs unless someone else is down there and I tell ya what, they slept there every night and slept in until 9am-9:30am, and wow! it was FaBuLoUs!!!!! Then school started so back upstairs in their room. Chad and I were shocked that they could sleep in such a small corowded spot for that long and not have any aches anywhere in their bodies. Oh what it would be like to be young again!! Did I mention they would stay up watching movies until 11pm. Ya, I would have to get out of bed to check on them and turn everything off. Good times!!!!


This was my Mom's birthday and we had a great time together. We stayed home relaxed and had some food from the grill and then gave her our gifts. We did get together as a whole family the night before and did a BIG BBQ at Liza's house and she got alot of gifts. It was fun and I love my Mom for all that she is and does for everyone. She is the sweetest person that I know and look up to her for every aspect of my life. Love you MOM!!! ( Wow, that was deep!)

My Mom had a great birthday, we didn't do much but stay home and gave her our gifts. Our 5 yr. old, Andres took the picture and did such a great job, I thought.

Izzy's Playtime

It was very quite and I could not find Izabel and so I went to her bedroom and there she was just playing all by her self, having a good 'ol time. She is good at that, entertaining herself.

Bear Lake Trip 2009

This was the camp site where we camped and enjoyed foil dinners and foiled bananaswith chocolate for dessert and just had a great time! Izabel was just filling up on red licorice because that was all her Dad kept giving her, and then this is just a moment picture of her because she would sit in the truck, pretty much the whole time watching her "CINDERELLA" movies. Smart little girl. She wasn't getting eatin' up by the mosquitos :d

This is Ziq and his cousins Erin and Jesse and then their cousin on the tube getting ready to go out and have fun in the lake. The picture to the right is Andres that they burried and made him look like a muscular man! He had so much fun doing this with them. I think every time we go to Bear Lake someone gets burried. :)

We had great company with us at Bear Lake. We had the Cruz family, Bell family and then more Wellers and some from their side. This is "cousin" Joshua, and Andres having a great time on the beach!

This was one of Izzy's favorite things to do at Bear Lake, like anyone elses, play in the water. She had a great time and it was non stop. At night time she was lights out so fast.

Izabel had a great time playing in the sand filling up the buckets and them emptying them and then repeating that process.